Adopt A Ferret


Are you looking to adopt a ferret? There are many places, probably in your own state where you can adopt one.

Ferrets make wonderful pets, if you’re prepared for the challenge and responsibility. They require more maintenance than a cat and in some ways a bit less maintenance than a dog. But they’re more fragile than cats and dogs, so you’ll have to keep an eye on them to keep them out of danger. Before adopting a ferret, do your homework, prepare yourself, and make sure you’re ready for the responsibility that ferrets require.

Ferret Supplies

Before bringing your ferret home, you’ll need certain basic supplies. Although many owners let their ferrets have the run of the house, or a special room; it’s far safer to purchase a large cage designed for a ferret, with a litter box. The cage will keep him safe and secure while he’s unsupervised. But be sure to let him out of his cage to play in a safe area for at least 4 hours a day.Adopt A Ferret

Ferrets need a good quality food designed to meet their needs – 36 – 38% meat. They are obligate carnivores who require a strict meat diet (even more so than cats) and have a hard time digesting sugars and carbohydrates. Do not let them eat any sort of sweets – candy or fruit – it can cause cancer. You can find special dry food designed for ferrets or you could go with a high-quality, high-meat content cat food.

Can You Live With A Ferret?

Ferrets have a distinctive odor – some call it musky. Even when a ferret has their scent gland removed (descented) it doesn’t completely remove the odor. When you go to adopt a ferret, make sure you’ll be able to live with this odor for 6 – 10 years (life expectancy of a ferret). It’s an odor that can not be bathed away – in fact bathing your ferret will make it stronger.

If you have children under the age of 7, a ferret might not be appropriate for your household. Ferrets are relatively fragile and don’t hold up well to rough play – they could easily become injured. If you do plan to keep a ferret around young children, make sure any interaction is well supervised.

Veterinary Care

Ferrets require yearly rabies and Canine distemper shots. These shots should be designed for a ferret – so make sure you find a veterinarian who is qualified and equipped to care for your ferret. And there are special health concerns to be aware of when it comes to a pet ferret, so learn as much as you can through your veterinarian, books and/or the internet.

When you’ve firmly decided it’s right for you and your family to adopt a ferret, you’ll find shelters located in many states across the United States. Call your local animal shelter or go to the American Ferret Association website for an up to date listing of shelters.