
The Scarlet Macaw

When shopping for a Scarlet Macaw parrot, be sure you choose a bird that was born in captivity from a reputable breeder. Scarlet Macaws are...

Ferret Care Information

There's quite a bit to learn when it comes to good ferret care. Ferrets are more of a challenge and require more attention and care...
white spots on fish

Ick on fish

What are white spots on fish? Ich in fish is probably the most common of all fish diseases. And with most problems in life, prevention...
Love Birds

Love Birds

Choosing and Caring For Healthy Love Birds Love Birds are beautiful and intelligent small parrots. Their name comes from the way they like to groom and...

Altum Angelfish

In the world of tropical fish, it’s hard to disagree, Altum Angelfish are among the most beautiful of all species. With their amazingly long...